Local Delhi

Taxi Service in Vasant Kunj from JKS Travels

Hire / Rent a taxi car for Full Day Local / Outstation travels at reasonable cost in Vasant kunj. Toyota Innova Crysta, Toyota Innova, Maruti Dzire, Swift, Etios Cars Are available.

For Query or Booking a Cab

Hardeep Singh – 09811739782
Jasvir Singh – 09810178625
Whatsapp us at 09811739782
or Send an Email / Click Here

Taxi Service Vasant Kunj Charges for Local Delhi

Car Type
8 hour 80 km
Extra Km, Extra Time
Swift Dzire CNG
Rs.100 per hour, Rs.14 per km
New Dzire Petrol
Rs.100 per hour, Rs.15 per km
Rs.150 per hour, Rs.16 per km
Innova Crysta
Rs.200 per hour, Rs.20 per km


  1. Any Parking’s, Toll tax, State Tax as per actual’s on the way; if applicable
  2. Driver Night charges Rs.200 after 10:30pm.

Check Out Latest Updated or Fares on Delhi Agra Same Day Trip

Taxi in Vasant Kunj Charges for Outstation – Fares List


Per Km Price

Interstate Charges

Driver Bhatta

Toll Tax / parking

Maruti Dzire
Rs. 12
As per Actual
Dzire Petrol
Rs. 13
As per Actual
Rs. 13
As per Actual
Rs. 16
As per Actual
As per Actual
Innova Crysta
Rs. 18-20
As per Actual
As per Actual


  1. Distance & kms charged from garage to garage.
  2. Minimum 250 kms daily limit countable for outstation.
  3. AC is not working in steep Inclines / Hills of Manali, Vaishno Devi & Srinagar.

About Vasant Kunj:

Vasant Kunj is a posh neighborhood located in South West Delhi district, Delhi, India. It’s Nearest Metro Station is Vasant Vihar metro station.

Have you been to Vasant Kunj a lot of times but have always ended up getting confused about which mall to head to?

  • Vasant Square Mall
  • Ambience Mall
  • DLF Promenade Mall
  • DLF Emporio
  • Anchal plaza

Vasant Kunj is located in south-west part of Delhi and is a huge colony built by DDA (Delhi Development Authority).

The colony is divided into several Sectors (A,B,C,D,E) which are further sub-divided into pockets (1,2,3,4,5). Indira Gandhi International Airport is about 6 kms.

from Vasant Kunj with Munirka, Mehrauli, Chattarpur, Lado Sarai, Vasant Vihar in the vicinity. Qutub Minar is just 4 kms.